Friday, March 11, 2011

March 2, 2011, at PizzAroma

Cosmo had just returned from a trip to Florida with Julie, and Judy and I planned a get-together at our favorite meeting place, but due to various things we won't go into (such as hangovers!) some of the people invited couldn't make it. Luckily, Jill Payne McDonald, her daughter Michaela, and Jill's friend Ginger Greene showed up.  Judy and I were excited, and so was Cosmo.  We had never met any of these Facebook friends.  They turned out to be every bit as nice as we expected, and funny, too.

Jill took to Cosmo right away. And, of course, he fell in love with her!  

Jill's daughter Michaela really knows how to wear a Hat.  Cosmo was pleased.

Ginger Greene Got along with The Hat just fine!

Mother and daughter pose together with Cosmo.

Cosmo regales Michaela with stories of his travels.

Uh-oh!  I think Cosmo may have told Ginger a dirty joke!

All in all it was a fun evening, with good food, good friends, and The Hat, who has a way of making any evening special!

THIS JUST IN...  March 11, 2011

Cosmo is now in California with his friend Liz Reynolds,  her doll Dolly, and Liz's collection of sexy female hats, which include Chapeau Rouge and Verde Chapeau, as well as a mysterious Russian hat Cosmo is dying to meet.  And yes, this looks like a recipe for Trouble, but what can one do with a traveling hat with a wandering eye?

Here is Cosmo meeting sweet little Dolly, who is like a daughter to him!
  Look for many more pictures to come from Cosmo's California escapade.  Let's just hope he dpesn't become a father again, and that he manages to stay out of jail.  We KNOW he's going to get in trouble.  With Cosmo, that is a given!